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Therapeutic gymnastics

Individual and group therapeutic gymnastics (in the gym) is led by a physiotherapist. The main aim is to increase range of movement, reduce pain and improve posture. With individually adapted, guided and controlled exercises, the main aim is to increase range of movement, reduce pain and improve posture.

Therapeutic gymnastics is the physiotherapy method used to effectively treat certain musculoskeletal complaints and injuries. In our clinic, specialists (rheumatologists) carry out a diagnostic examination, on the basis of which we provide individualised movement therapy with the help of a qualified physiotherapist. The primary aim of the treatments is to reduce pain, improve and complete joint movements. During the treatments, our patients can learn what they can do on their own to reduce or eliminate their symptoms.

Our specialised treatment methods include:

  • McKenzie Method
  • Manual therapy – soft tissue techniques
  • Spinal gymnastics to strengthen the core muscles

The McKenzie Method (also known as MDT, or "Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy") was developed by Robin McKenzie, a physiotherapist who believed in developing a treatment that was tailored to the patient.

So-called mechanical diagnosis and therapy is all about a thorough examination and the development of a personalised treatment plan for the patient's condition. Accordingly, the therapist first examines how the patient's pain sensation changes with different postures and movements (movement analysis). Observations are made to see when the pain level decreases and when it stops.

In addition, by questioning the patient in detail, the therapist will also find out when and how the patient's pain started, where it is felt and, if so, where it radiates to, what is the cause (surgery, accident) and whether there is any evidence of inflammation or other lesions.

The exercises are designed with an awareness of the main characteristics of the patient's pain (pain direction, pain intensity) in response to certain movements. The greatest advantage of the method is that he has recognised that not all patients benefit from the same exercise, as it is always based on individual characteristics and pain sensations.

The term manual therapy comes from the Latin word "manus", which means hand. The main aim of manual therapy is to treat pain, acute and chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system and to relieve symptoms. The treatment is preceded by a detailed analysis of the medical history and a comprehensive examination.

Spinal gymnastics helps to strengthen the core muscles, prevent muscle stiffness, loosen tight spinal muscles and improve posture. The main aim is to maintain the maximum range of motion and optimise posture for the circumstances and the patient's condition.

Spinal gymnastics, by type, target the following:

  • Muscle strengthening
  • Stretching the muscles
  • Full range of motion of the joint
  • Improving stamina

Prevention group class:

  • Coordination and equilibrium development program
  • Shaper - Fit mom program
  • Menopausa program
  • Spinal gymnastics program
  • Vitalizing training
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