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Goal of the Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to set out the rules that are essential for the proper exercise of the rights and fulfilment of the obligations of the users of the health/physical services provided by Balance Medical Center.

This Policy contains general rules that apply to all service users and their relatives, as well as Balance Medical Center employees and their relatives.

General Rules

Everyone has a duty to respect the rights of others to develop, protect, prevent, cure and rehabilitate their health.

You may be on Balance Medical Center premises for the purpose of receiving medical and cosmetic services or as a relative of such person or as an employee or relative of such person. The area of the Centre is private property, and to enter or remain there without permission or not to comply with a request to leave immediately will constitute a breach of privacy offense, which may result in a police report.

Please keep the Balance Medical Center clean and tidy in the waiting room, treatment room and restrooms.

Please follow the rules of epidemic control, use hand sanitiser and wear a mask when indicated.

Slippers and robes must be worn in the common areas of the Balance Medical Center (reception, waiting room, corridor).

Please protect the assets of Balance Medical Center. Any damage caused by vandalism must be compensated by the person who caused it.

We cannot be held responsible for any valuables left unattended by service users. We will keep a record of the items found, their main characteristics and the circumstances of their discovery for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of discovery. During this period, it will be returned to the person who is entitled to it or his/her authorised representative free of charge. After the 1 (one) year retention period has expired, we will dispose of the unclaimed found object at our discretion.

It is mandatory to mute or switch off mobile phones in the control rooms. Use in other areas is allowed, but only without disturbing the operation.

It is only possible to make audio and/or visual recordings on the premises of our institution in a way that fully respects the rights of the individual.

The Balance Medical Center has a 24-hour security service, which is responsible for the safety of persons and property in the institution and for the enforcement of the Policy. The surveillance devices (cameras) in the premises of the Institution are monitored by the Security and Law Enforcement Department and the IT Department.

It is forbidden:

  • to bring pets to the Balance Medical Center premises, except for animals on police duty or assistance dogs with distinguishing signs
  • to eat in treatment rooms
  • to drink alcohol, to use drugs and to smoke throughout the Balance Medical Center
  • to do any activity that is contrary to the law or that violates or endangers public morals - the generally accepted rules of social coexistence
  • to make insulting, degrading, or defamatory remarks, orally, in writing, in a criminal or abusive manner or by imposing on Balance Medical Center employees or their relatives, other patients or their relatives,
  • to do any disturbing activities involving strong noise, smell or other environmental nuisance
  • to bring dangerous materials and/or objects (explosives, pyrotechnic devices, weapons) to the premises of Balance Medical Center,
  • to do any commercial activities, advertising, propaganda (billboards, stop signs, wall stickers and flyers) and illegal gambling without the permission of the Balance Medical Center manager.

Balance Medical Center's rules for therapeutic activities

Patients presenting for examination/treatment

Balance Medical Center's health services are available on a self-paid basis or some of them are co-funded by the National Health Insurance of Hungary. For identification purposes, the patient must present an identity card, address card and social security card, or a doctor's referral if necessary. For foreign nationals, a passport (if available) or other photo identification is required. Patient check-in is at the reception desk.

Rules for staff members

Employees and other staff employed under a legal relationship must be punctual and ready for work at the time they are required to be there, in their working clothes. The wearing of a badge with the name and position is compulsory during working hours. Staff members shall be required to lock the treatment rooms even in the event of temporary absences. The staff member assigned to a treatment room shall be fully liable for any valuables left in the treatment rooms without staff and/or left unlocked.

The attending physician is entitled, within the scope of his or her duties, to give instructions to the health care professionals involved in the patient's care. The instructions shall clearly state the task to be performed, the time and place of performance and, where necessary, the names and functions of the other health personnel to be called upon to assist. Within the framework of the instruction, the health worker shall, within the limits of his/her professional competence and according to his/her competence, determine independently the manner and sequence in which he/she is to carry out the tasks to be performed.

Patients’ rights

The right to healthcare

The patient is entitled to receive an outpatient care record at the end of the outpatient activity.

The right to human dignity

The human dignity of the patient must be respected in healthcare. Patients should only be subjected to interventions necessary for their care. Patients should only be kept waiting for a reasonable reason and for a reasonable length of time. Patients shall not be removed from their clothing during treatment except for the time necessary and to the extent that this is technically justified, taking into account their sense of shame.

The right of contact

The patient has the right to have 1 (one) competent relative or a person designated by him/her or his/her legal representative to be present during his/her treatment, provided that this is possible in compliance with the epidemiological rules.

The right to be informed

The patient is entitled to receive full information in an individualised form. The patient has the right to know the names, qualifications and functions of the persons directly involved in his/her care. The patient shall have the right to receive information in a manner which he or she understands, taking into account his or her age, education, knowledge, state of mind and wishes expressed in this respect, and to have access to an interpreter or sign language interpreter, if necessary and possible. Oral information shall not be replaced by the provision of pre-prepared general information material.

The patient has the right to receive, in addition to information on the processing of personal data concerning him or her, detailed information.

The patient has the right to ask questions during and after the counselling. The patient has the right to know the results of the tests and interventions carried out during his/her care, their possible failure or unexpected results and the reasons for them. Patients who are incapacitated, minors with reduced capacity to act or partially incapacitated in respect of any category of cases shall also have the right to information appropriate to their age and mental state.

An able-bodied patient may refuse to be informed unless he or she needs to know the nature of his or her illness in order not to endanger the health of others. If the intervention takes place at the initiative of the patient, the refusal to be informed shall be valid only in writing.

The right to self-determination

Patients have the right to self-determination, which can only be restricted in cases and in a way specified by law. In the exercise of the right of self-determination, patients are free to decide whether they wish to receive health care and which interventions they consent to or refuse. Patients have the right to participate in decisions concerning their examination and treatment.

Apart from the exceptions provided for in the law, any medical intervention may only be carried out if the patient gives his or her duly informed and verifiable consent, free from deception, threat or coercion.

The patient may give his or her consent orally, in writing or by acting so, unless otherwise provided by law. Balance Medical Center does not perform invasive procedures that require a written statement or, if the patient is unable to write, a statement made orally or by other means in the presence of two witnesses.

The patient can withdraw their consent to the procedure at any time. However, in the event of withdrawal of consent without just cause, the patient may be liable to pay the reasonable costs incurred as a result.

The right to refuse treatment

A patient with capacity has the right to refuse treatment, unless failure to do so would endanger the life or physical integrity of others. The patient may refuse any treatment which, if not given, would be likely to cause serious or permanent damage to his health, only by means of a public document or a private document with full probative value or, if he is legally incompetent, in the presence of two witnesses. In the latter case, the refusal must be recorded in the medical records and authenticated by the signatures of the witnesses. The patient may withdraw his refusal at any time without any formal obligation.

The right to access medical records

The original copy of the documentation belongs to the provider even if the patient has paid for it. The patient does not have the documentation, but only the information contained in the documentation.

The patient or his/her representative has the right to see and obtain a copy of the medical records at his/her own expense. The cost of copying is HUF 25 per sheet (VAT free). Balance Medical Center will keep the medical records for 30 years.

If the medical record of a patient also contains information concerning another person's right to privacy, the right of access or the right to request a copy may be exercised only in respect of the part of the record relating to the patient.

The right to inspect and request copies of the records of an incapacitated patient is granted to the patient or his/her authorised representative. The authorisation shall be in the form of a public or private document having full probative value.

After the patient's death, the relatives have the right to access and request a copy of the health record without a power of attorney, on the basis of a written request from the next of kin and proof of the relationship.

The right of access to health records can also be exercised through EESZT for health records managed electronically by the Electronic Health Record System (EESZT).

The right to medical confidentiality

The patient has the right to have the persons involved in his or her healthcare disclose information that comes to their knowledge in the course of their care, in particular his or her medical and personal data, only to the person entitled to receive them and to treat them in accordance with the applicable legislation, otherwise they must be kept confidential without delay, even after the end of the treatment. Patients have the right to choose to whom information about their illness, its likely outcome, may be disclosed and to whom partial or total access to their health data is excluded.

Patients have the right to have only those persons present during their examination and treatment whose participation is necessary for their care, or those to whose presence they have consented.

Patients have the right to be examined and treated in circumstances where they cannot be seen or heard by others without their consent, except in cases of urgent need and when the condition is dangerous and unavoidable.

The patient has the right to name the person who may be informed of the development of his or her health condition and the right to exclude any person from this. The person named by the patient must be informed by the treating physician of any significant change in the patient's state of health.

Patients' obligations

When using a health service, the patient must respect the relevant legislation and the health service provider's rules of operation. The patient shall, where his/her state of health so permits, cooperate with the health professionals involved in his/her care, according to his/her ability and knowledge, as follows:

a) provide them with all the information necessary to establish the diagnosis, prepare an appropriate treatment plan and carry out the interventions, in particular any previous illness, treatment, medication or medicinal products taken, and any risk factors for health problems,

b) to inform them, in the context of his/her own illness, of anything that could endanger the life or physical safety of others, in particular infectious diseases and diseases and conditions preventing the ability to work,

c) in the case of a contagious disease covered by a decree of the Minister responsible for health, to name the persons from whom or to whom he or she may have contracted the contagious disease,

d) inform them of any previous statements he or she has made about health care,

e) comply with the instructions they have given you about your treatment,

f) to comply with the Policy,

g) to pay the fee,

h) provide credible evidence of his/her personal data.

Patients and their relatives must respect the rights of other patients and their relatives when exercising their rights. The exercise of the rights of patients and their relatives must not infringe the rights of healthcare workers.

Definition of terms
  • patient: a person using or receiving healthcare;
  • relative: spouse, lineal relative, adopted, step and foster child, adoptive, step and foster parent, brother, civil partner, spouse of a lineal relative, spouse's lineal relative and brother and sister, and brother's spouse;
  • treating doctor: the doctor(s) who determines the plan of examination and treatment of a patient's disease or medical condition and who performs interventions in the context of that plan, and who is responsible for the patient's treatment;
  • healthcare: a set of health activities related to a patient's specific health condition;
  • health worker: a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, other person with a higher education qualification in health, person with a health professional qualification and person without a health professional qualification who is involved in health care activities;
  • health service: the totality of health activities which may be carried out on the basis of an operating licence issued by a public health administration body or, in the case provided for by law, on the basis of registration by a public health administration body,
  • healthcare provider: any individual healthcare entrepreneur, legal entity or unincorporated organisation, regardless of the form of ownership or the provider, authorised to provide healthcare services and licensed by the public health administration to operate;
  • examination: the activity aimed at assessing the patient's state of health, detecting diseases or their risks, identifying the specific disease(s), their prognosis, their changes, the effectiveness of treatment, the occurrence of death and the cause of death;
  • health record' means any record, register or any other form of data, irrespective of medium or form, containing medical and personal data relating to the treatment of a patient, which comes to the attention of a health care professional in the course of providing health care.

The rules of Balance Medical Center Therapeutic Exercise

In addition to the general rules of Balance Medical Center, the following requests are made to users of the therapeutic exercise:

  1. The gym can only be used under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
  2. No street shoes allowed in the gym! The use of clean sports shoes suitable for sports is compulsory.
  3. No strangers are allowed in the room during the session.
  4. Gym facilities and building equipment may only be used for their intended purpose.
  5. To avoid possible injuries and accidents, the gym equipment may only be used under the supervision of the physiotherapist.
  6. Damage caused to equipment, gyms and changing rooms must be repaired or compensated by the person who caused the damage.
  7. We are not responsible for valuables left in the changing rooms or gym.

Rules for the activities of the spa and beauty department of Balance Medical Center

  1. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in the BMC spa and beauty area! It is forbidden to disturb other guests, even if they show tolerance!
  2. Slippers and robes are recommended.
  3. Injury accidents (e.g. slip and fall) are the responsibility of the guest, provided the walking surface is dry and otherwise free of obstacles. Bumping into a glass door is the responsibility of the guest as long as the glass door carries a call-out warning.
  4. Guests suffering from fever, infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases or skin diseases are not allowed to use the services of the department.
  5. Should our guests wish to use any of our massage services, please contact our receptionist who will be happy to assist you.
  6. We ask you to take extra care of the machines, equipment and furnishings in the wellness area and to keep them clean, and please use the waste bins provided. In all cases, guests are financially responsible for any damage caused.
  7. Guests must inform the staff providing the service of any existing illnesses that may affect the service. In case of uncertainty, they should ask the local medical staff.

The Balance Medical Center Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Department's policy

Dear Guest!

For reasons of continuity, safety, maximum therapeutic effect and, last but not least, technical reasons, we need to adhere to certain rules in our hyperbaric oxygen therapy department.

In general, the Policy of Balance Medical Center applies, but if you are undergoing HBO therapy, we ask you to do the followings:

  • As the chamber is attended by several people, it is important that you turn up at the agreed time
  • Please follow the HBOT information (nutrition, hydration, clothing, etc.)
  • If you are waiting for a medical examination and/or treatment, please take a seat in our waiting room, we will call you
  • Please lock your valuables in one of the numbered lockers in the waiting room before starting the therapy (the key can be taken to the chamber)
  • In doing so, please also take care to lock away so-called "non-chamber objects" (watch, telephone, ballpoint pen, etc.)
  • Please do not touch the windows or controls of the chamber
  • The chamber door must be operated by staff only
  • Please do not talk while breathing oxygen, with a mask on your face - except of course if you want to report any changes in your well-being or current condition
  • During treatment, only staff members are allowed in the chamber room, relatives are seated in the waiting room

Thank you for helping us by complying with the above and making our work possible!

We wish you harmonious treatments and good health!

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